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5 Things all Kids Need From Their Parents

I am no doctor or psychiatrist, and I am by no means a perfect mom. I like to think of what my husband and I always say “Just do your very best!” and that really is all you can do. If your best, is trying all day not to raise your voice and stay patient.. to putting socks on your 3 year old even if they don’t match… then so be it. Today I am talking about “5 Things all Kids Need From Their Parents”. I know what I liked when I was a kid, such as opening the front door to the smell of cookies, or my moms perfume. I know my husband and I have are own way of parenting, such as he lets them stay up later, and I don’t. I also asked my older kids what is it, that they really need and/or what from us? Both agreed for my hubby and I to not raise our voices and to be there to love and care for them.

5 things kids need from their parents

Here are my “5 Things All Kids Need From Their Parents!”

-“A Comforting Place!” a comforting place to go home to after a long day of school. A place they can call home, a place where they instantly feel the “kid-stress” and “pressure” of their day, erased away. Now I understand a lot of parents work, and that there are other arrangements for their kids, such as child care, friends, grandparents, etc. I think so long as that, “comforting place” really makes them feel safe, because that’s truly what matters.

-“Look & Listen!” Kids need their parents to not just listen, but to “Look” and listen! Put down the smart phone, tablet, turn off  your television, etc. Listen to your children as if the silliest story from recess, to an “A” on their math quiz, was the most important information they had to share with you that day.  “I do my very best” to look at my kids no matter what I am in the middle of, to really let them know that way they have to say really matters! “My undivided attention.”

-“Learn to Say No!” Now I realize kids would never agree to this being something they need from us… but, they do! they just don’t know it yet. They need to learn boundaries, responsibility, working/or saving for something etc. We as parents need to learn to say no! and they won’t like it, but it will build character and they too, will build up their own knowledge to whats best for yes and what best for no. I also believe that it won’t jade your kids from stuff, if you learn to say no sometimes.

-“Say I love you!” Kids need this from us parents, no matter how good or bad of a day we or they have had. Its important that they hear us tell them these three powerful words, “I love you.” My kids and I have this thing where I will say “Do you know how much I love you?” (I’ve been saying it since my oldest was a toddler) and they get a grin or shy (my youngest) and they answer with “More than anything!” yep’ all of them know that answer, and it totally makes me smile. Its important to me that my children know that even if their dad or I are upset, frustrated, or even angry, that, we love them no matter what.

-“Be Honest!” Now, I realize this one is a bit tricky, as there are things us parents aren’t ready to share/tell our kids. So as “that day” comes you will be more prepared (hopefully) and will know just what to say. That said, I have the idea that I would rather them learn about certain things/stuff from mom and dad, than the sort of punk kid at school, if you know what I mean. I’ve always been very honest with my kids, on anything they have asked their dad or I. I always explain stuff to them in a kid friendly sort of way (depending on what the question is). Also, I don’t want to raise my kids to be super sheltered kids, they need knowledge, and knowledge is good. These days our world and our generation know, are learning, and doing a lot more then I/we ever did as a kid or that our parents did for that matter. “Teach!, Be Honest!”

In closing, I just want to say that we all have our own way of parenting and teaching our kids about life and being a good example etc. but I loved writing this stuff down, because even for me (a totally none-perfect parent) I need a good reminder as to what I see as important. We got to love these sweet kids of ours, right? wink.

Look and Listen

kid parenting quote1

Learn to Say No!

kid parenting quote2

Be Honest!

kid parenting quote

I love you!

kid parenting quote3

“A Comforting Place!”

kid parenting home quote

Thanks for your visits, moms, dads and guardians.

xo jen

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One thought on “5 Things all Kids Need From Their Parents

  1. Great list! I just had to have one of those be as honest as you can conversations with my 13 year old. It was a conversation I have thought about for years. I’m so glad that I had thought about it and was able to be honest and give her the best direction and advice I can at this time.

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